“Restitution” by Carola Saavedra

“Restitution” is a translation of a short prose piece by Santiago de Chile–born Brazilian writer Carola Saavedra. This text was published online in the open-access ebook Pandemonium: 9 narratives bridging São Paulo - Berlin, the translation of the ebook Pandemônio: nove narrativas entre São Paulo - Berlim. Translated from Portuguese. Published bilingually.

Organized by Brazilian writers Cristina Judar and Fred Di Giacomo, Pandemonium is an anthology that gathers tales by Aline Bei, Cristina Judar, Jorge Ialanji Filholini and Raimundo Neto (representing São Paulo) and Carola Saavedra, Fred Di Giacomo, Alexandre Ribeiro, Karin Hueck and the German Carsten Regel (representing Berlin).